Steam is a video game digital distribution service. It includes games from third-party publishers. This software has expanded vastly over the years to provide various games and other features. It is seen that the gamers like to take screenshots of their games.
And you can do that by pressing the F12 button on your keyboard to take a screenshot of your game screen. However, you can face the problem of not being able to locate the pictures taken in your computer folders. It gets hard to search the screenshots stashed away somewhere on your computer.
How to Access Steam Screenshot Folder
Sometimes, you are not able to locate your screenshots after taking them. Or if you’re new to Steam, it can get hard for you to search for it. Hence, to access it, there are two ways to follow; the first method is to access them via the screenshot manager present in steam and the other method is to access them through hard drive storage.
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Method 1: Screenshot Manager
You can locate your screenshots taken in-game with the help of Screenshot Manager provided in Steam. Follow the steps below to use this method.
Step 1: First, open your Steam window.
Step 2: Then, on the upper left where all the options are located, click on View.
Step 3: In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Screenshots.
Step 4: Then, using the Screenshot Manager, you can save the screenshots that you want or delete it if it’s unnecessary.
There is another method by which you can locate the screenshots directly through your hard drive by clicking the show on disk option.
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Method 2: Accessing the Screenshot folder physically
All users have a folder where all the screenshots clicked in-game is saved physically in their computer. This folder is normally present where your steam is installed. The default location is always Local disk C.
The location is as follows –
C:\ Programfiles (x86) \ Steam \ userdata\ <yourSteamID> \ 760 \ remote\ <app – ID> \ screenshots
If you don’t know your Steam ID that is required in the above directory, follow the article from henceforth..
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How to find your Steam ID?
Sometimes, you don’t know your Steam ID. To find it, follow the steps below:
Step 1: First, open your Steam service.
Step 2: Then, click on the view button and choose settings.
Step 3: Select the interface option and find a box called Display Steam URL address when available.
Step 4: Tick inside the box. At last, click on the OK button to save it.
Step 5: Now, open your Steam Profile and click on View Profile. The multiple numbers present at the end of the URL is your Steam ID.
Finally, now you can use this in the previously mentioned Method No. 2 which required your ID to locate the Screenshot folder.
However, it can get quite tricky to find the Screenshot folder in various operating systems such as Mac and Linux. To locate it in the aforementioned operating systems, follow the steps below.
How to Find Steam Screenshot Folder on Mac?
It is quite different from the method used in Windows. The default directory is as follows:
Users/{mac username}/Library/Application Support/Steam
Now, search for the particular game’s screenshot folder and you will find all the pictures at one place.
How to Find Steam Screenshot Folder on Linux?
To search for the Steam screenshot folder on Linux, follow this directory:
After entering the UserData directory, locate your folder with the help of your Game ID and then your screenshots.
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Final Words
Wrapping it up, we can say that Steam is quite popular among gamers. It provides not only various features or installations but also lots of games. But sometimes, it gets tricky to find the Steam Screenshots folder.
This article dealt with the necessary details required to find your Steam ID and also methods to find the folder full of screenshots in operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux.